Answered By: Katherine Santana
Last Updated: Jun 13, 2023     Views: 182

To use Zotero integrated with Microsoft Word on a Mount Sinai-managed Windows workstation, you need additional permissions to your user access profile in SailPoint. These modify your workstation and install the Mount Sinai-packaged version of Zotero which offers the Zotero program and the Word integration. Note: You will not be able to install the Web Connector to grab web content. 

Follow the steps below to request and enable Zotero on a Mount Sinai-managed Windows workstation.

Jump to:

  1. Step 1: Request Permissions in SailPoint
  2. Step 2: Launch Zotero
  3. Step 3: Open Microsoft Word and check for the Zotero tab in the ribbonAnchor 

Step 1: Request Permissions in SailPoint 

  • Sign into your SailPoint account:
  • Click on the Request Access button.

  • You must first find your user access profile by entering your name in the Search Users search engine. 

  • Select your name by clicking the checkmark icon [✅] and then click the Next button. 

  • To add the Zotero role to your profile, in the (2) Manage Access section, enter the keyword, Zotero into the search engine and click the Search icon [🔎] to locate the Zotero role for School Users or Hospital Users. 


  • Activate the appropriate role by clicking on the checkmark icon [✅].  
    • Zotero for Hospital Users: Mount Sinai Hospital employees 

    • Zotero for School Users: Icahn School of Medicine faculty, staff, and students 

  • On the Review and Submit section, you will see that the Zotero role has been added to your request list. Click on the (2) Manage Access section to search for and add the macros role. 

  •  Enter in the keyword, Microsoft Office macros, and click the Search icon [🔎] to locate the macro role. 

  • Activate the appropriate role by clicking on the checkmark icon [✅]. 
    • Enable Macros for Microsoft Office for Hospital Users: Mount Sinai Hospital employees 

    • Enable Macros for Microsoft Office for School Users: Icahn School of Medicine faculty, staff, and students 

Click the Next button to go to the Review and Submit section. 


  • On the Review and Submit section, you will see that the two roles have been added to your request list. Click the Submit button to process your request. 

  • Once your request has been submitted, your direct supervisor/manager will be notified by email to review and approve the request. 

Note: Please allow up to 24 business hours after your request has been approved by your direct supervisor/manager for the roles to be applied and activated on your user profile.  

Step 2: Launch Zotero 

After you are added to these groups, restart your workstation, and the Zotero icon should appear in the MSH Desktop Application Launcher and Start Menu. 

If Zotero launches its associated webpage, please ignore its guidance to install the Web Connector.  


Step 3: Open Microsoft Word and check for the Zotero tab in the ribbonAnchor

After you have launched Zotero, open your document in Microsoft Word. Zotero should appear in the Word ribbon menu.   

If the Zotero tab is not displayed, try restarting Word again. I can take 2-3 restarts for the template to launch.   

Note: If you see a yellow warning bar stating that you need to enable macros, click to enable macros button and then Zotero tab should appear in the ribbon. If you do not see the Zotero tab, restart the application.