Answered By: Becca Neel Last Updated: Jan 16, 2025 Views: 35
Answered By: Becca Neel
Last Updated: Jan 16, 2025 Views: 35
- To access library resources from anywhere, search for resources by title or topic via the Levy Library's catalog or databases.
- When you are prompted to authenticate via OpenAthens, choose the first sign in option: Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- Enter your credentials
- If you have a or address, enter that email address and password, and follow any multifactor authentication steps.
- If you currently only have an email address, enter your user ID (i.e. the username you use to login to your work computer) + and your password, and follow any multifactor authentication steps.
Your user ID typically either takes the form of lastname + first initial + two digits (e.g. smithj01) OR first initial + lastname (e.g. jsmith).
Entering Credentials via Microsoft Multifactor Authentication
Entering Credentials via the Mount Sinai Login Page
If you are unsure of your user ID, contact South Nassau IT for support.
If you have questions or issues accessing Levy Library resources after you have logged in, contact the Levy Library for support. Your MSSM librarian, Claire Joseph can assist you with using the resources.
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