Answered By: Kerry McKee
Last Updated: Jan 06, 2025     Views: 998

There is no remote access login page. You will now search for the resource FIRST and will then be prompted to sign in with your credentials. 


If you are remote/off-campus or are not connected to VPN or a secured Mount Sinai network,  you will be required to authenticate through the Mount Sinai sign in page and complete the two-factor authentication (2FA) / Multi-factor authentication (MFA) process in order to access library-subscribed online resources via any library website (i.e. Discovery catalog, Databases A-Z list, etc.) or through a publisher or content provider website (i.e. PubMed, NEJM, Nature, etc.).

Authenticating and Accessing Resources Remotely

When attempting accessing a resource from a library, publisher, or other content provider website remotely, you will first need sign in through the OpenAthens authentication tool first. You should see one of the following sign in pages below. Choose Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and you will be redirected to the Microsoft account and Mount Sinai Sign in page.

OpenAthens Authentication Tool


Microsoft Account and Mount Sinai Sign on Page


After signing in with your Mount Sinai credentials (Email or username/network ID) on the Microsoft Account and Mount Sinai sign on page, you will be prompted to authenticate your account through the two-factor authentication (2FA) or multi-factor (MFA) process. Once you have successfully verified your identity, you wilI be route to the resource you identified.

If you do not have VPN remote access with 2FA or MFA set up, please visit the IT Security website or contact IT Help Desk for assistance.

2FA / MFA authenticator verification screen options


NOTE: Mount Sinai employees and PSON students who do not have a Mount Sinai email address (,,, review the sign in process for users with no email addresses here: